CHILDES Dutch Schaerlaekens Corpus

Anne-Marie Schaerlaekens


Participants: 6
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Netherlands
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5TC7Z

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Project Description

These data were originally collected by A. M. Schaerlaekens in 1969 and 1970. The data were collected by recording the spontaneous dialogues of two sets of triplets. For this purpose, the children were wearing small, wireless transmitters which were sewn into their aprons. Further details of the procedure can be found in Schaerlaekens (1973).


The original database consists of the spontaneous language of two triplets between the ages of 1;10.18 and 3;1.7 for the first set and 1;6.17 and 2;10.23 for the second set. Gijs, Joost, and Katelijne are nonidentical triplets, two boys and one girl. They were born in the following order: Joost, Katelijne, and Gijs. At 1;6, they were administered the Gesell Developmental Scales, showing no perceptible differences as to psychomotor development. At 4;2 they participated in a nonverbal intelligence test (Snijders-Oomen), which yielded an above average IQ. The children were recorded at monthly intervals. Due to problems with the equipment, however, there are no data available for particular months.

Arnold, Diederik and Maria are also nonidentical triplets, two boys and a girl. They were born in the following order: Diederik, Arnold, Maria. When they were 1;6, the Gesell Developmental Scales were administered, showing no perceptible differences as to psychomotor development. At the age of 4;2 they participated in a nonverbal intelligence test (Snijders-Oomen), which yielded an above average IQ.

Gijs, Joost, and Ksatelijne were recorded monthly from age 1;8 to 2;6. Arnold, Diederik, and Maria were recorded monthly from age 1;10 to 2;10 and once more at 3;1.