CHILDES English Haggerty Corpus

L. Haggerty
Educational Psychology
University of Minnesota

Participants: 54
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: USA
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T57609

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Project Description

This directory contains a single file with data taken from Haggerty (1929). This source is a published article which records what a 2-year-old child said in a day. Haggerty was on the faculty of the Department of Educational Psychology of the University of Minnesota. The child, Helen, was born in 1903 and thus this file also has a certain historical interest. The data were recorded by hand by the researcher and two assistants over the approximate-ly 9.5 waking hours in Helen’s day. The following passage is taken from Haggerty’s intro-duction to the article.

The writer in the following pages reports the exact conversation carried on in the length of one day by her daughter, Helen, who was two years, seven and a half months old at the time. Helen was born in Anderson, Indiana, April 24, 1903. This record was made Decem-ber 12, 1905. The record begins at seven o’clock in the morning when Helen awakened, and is continuous throughout the entire day, excepting for the period of the afternoon nap which occurred between 12:45 P.M. and 3:45 P.M. The record closes at 7:30 P.M., when Helen went to sleep for the night. With the aid of two others who gave occasional assis-tance, the writer was able to record every word uttered by Helen during the day. This record therefore represents in entirety the linguistic expression of a two-and-a-half-year-old child during the approximate nine and a half hours of her waking day. This day was a representative day in Helen’s life and was not unlike other days in that period of her life. The persons most frequently referred to were her father and mother, her baby sister, Margaret, who was one year and four days old, her grandmother, who was present, Carrie, a high school girl who lived in the home, and Nancy, a young seamstress, who took great interest in the children, and who was frequently employed in the home.