CHILDES Greek Stephany Corpus

Ursula Stephany
General Linguistics
University of Cologne


Participants: 4
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Greece
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5HW3T

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Project Description

The Greek child data in this corpus were collected by Ursula Stephany, University of Cologne, Germany. Between 1971 and 1974, about 90 hrs. of dialogues of four monolingual Greek children growing up in Athens, Greece, and their mothers or grandmothers and the investigator were audiotaped in natural speech situations in the children’s homes and or kindergarten.

Observation periods and ages of the four children:

ChildPeriod APeriod BPeriod C
Mairi (MAI)1;9.18 - 1;10.32;3.17 - 2;3.242;9.15 - 2;9.20
Janna (JAN)1;10.25 - 1;11.262;5.11 – 2;5.202;11.9 – 2;11.27
Spiros (SPI)1;8.22 – 1;9.11--
Maria (MAR)-2;3.7 – 2;3.142;9.12 – 2;9.17

After digitization of the data, the files names were reorganized in order to allow for linkage of sound and transcript. The WAV and CHA files (e.g. MAI-A-01.wav, MAI-A-01.cha) are structured as follows:

63 WAV files:

ChildPeriod APeriod BPeriod CTotal
Mairi (MAI)MAI-A-01 to 08MAI-B-09 to 15MAI-C-16 to 2020 files
Janna (JAN)JAN-A-01 to 10JAN-B-11 to 17JAN-C-18 to 2626 files
Spiros (SPI)SPI-A-01 to 04--4 files
Maria (MAR)-MAR-B-01 to 07MAR-C-08 to 1313 files

Transcription of the data in CHAT format is in course of revision according to more recent standards of the CHILDES Project. The revised CHA files will be linked to the corresponding WAV files. The transcription is phonetic/phonemic. Greek letters are being used for the interdental voiced and unvoiced fricatives and the voiced velar fricative (δ, θ, γ). Adult correspondences are indicated on the main line and placed in square brackets. Automatic lexicon-based morphological coding will be possible with the help of a coded Greek lexicon to be provided by Ursula Stephany after having been revised.

The computerized part of the Greek child corpus contained in the CHILDES Database has been investigated in a number of studies (see the list of references above).