CHILDES Hungarian Bodor Corpus

Péter Bodor
Department of Social Psychology
ELTE University


Participants: 1
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Hungary
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5Q60N

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Project Description

These data were collected by Péter Bodor from his first born daughter Panna when she was between 2;0 and 2;10. Anna Stribrányi, Éva Suba and Virág Barcza contributed to the transcription of the records. Panna was born on 14-DEC-1992. She comes from a middle class family living in Budapest. Her parents are native speakers of Hungarian. Panna’s database consists of 63 recordings, in which the girl was an active participant talking to her parents and other family members. The majority of these conversations were recorded at home. The recordings were transcribed in CHAT format and cover 11 months from age 2;0 to 3;0 with the largest number of recordings for the months from 2;1 to 2.5. Audio recordings are being archived, but are not linked and will not be available on the web.