CHILDES Portuguese Batoréo Corpus

Hanna Batoréo
Universidade Aberta


Participants: 60
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Portugal
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5701M

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Citation information

Batoréo, H. J. (2000). Expressão do Espaço no Português Europeu. Contributo Psicolinguístico para o Estudo da Linguagem e Cognição, PhD Dissertation, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia, Lisboa, 2000.

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Project Description

This corpus of narratives in Portuguese was collected in the context of work by Hanna Jakubowicz Batoréo on a doctoral dissertation in linguistics entitled “Towards the Characterization of the Interface Between Linguistic Expression and Spatial Cognition in European Portuguese: A Psycholinguistic Approach to the Expression of Space in Elicited Narrative Discourse” supervised by Professor Isabel Hub Faria at the Laboratorio de Psicolinguistica, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 1996.

The two stories used for elicitation are the “horse” story and the “cat” story. For each story 60 narratives were elicited — 30 from adults and 30 from children. The children were ages 5, 7, and 10 with 10 children in each age group. The total number of elicited narratives is 120. The @ID headers in each file indicates the participant's age and gender and the code HC means that they did the horse story first, whereas CH means that they did the cat story first. The dissertation focuses on the linguistic knowledge of space. The language studied is the European variety of Portuguese. The study of space raises basic epistemological questions in a number of different fields (e.g., Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Social Sciences, the Arts). The characterization of the interface between linguistic expression and spatial cognition involved a strong experimental component, with a psycholinguistic methodology, namely with respect to production and acquisition. A moderate Whorfian assumption underlies the investigation undertaken, namely that languages differ from one another with respect to their semantic structures and that the latter are reflected on the ways speakers conceive the world. Given the general aims mentioned above, research was carried out along the following lines:

  1. Demonstration of the relevance of cognition to the study of language, in particular to the interface between linguistic expression and spatial cognition;
  2. Definition of the scientific scope of cognitive linguistics relative to other linguistic currents in cognitive science, given the assumption of localist theory, establishment of space primitives (both cognitive and linguistic) within Leonard Talmy’s theoretical framework.
  3. Analysis of the interactions among the grammatical, lexical, and contextual mechanisms of the linguistic expression of space in European Portuguese, taking into consideration spatial, temporal, and aspectual references.
  4. Proposal of a parametrization of the space typology in European Portuguese and establishment of linguistic constraints on cognitive primitives of space.
  5. Establishment of the spatial parameters of the production of elicited narrative discourse by European Portuguese native speakers (both children and adults), adopting the psycholinguistic methodology developed in the 90s in particular by Melissa Bowerman, as well as by Maya Hickmann and Henriette Hendriks.
The Cat Story: The Horse Story: The dissertation contains two volumes (over 1,000 pages). Volume I includes sevenchapters which deal with the five topics listed above. Volume II, the Appendix (Chapter 8), includes in particular (Chapter 8.3) the Corpus of 120 narratives (60 adults and 60 children) elicited according to Hickman’s technique. The corpus is transcribed and codified in the CHAT format.


This dissertation was supported by two funds of Junta Nacional de Investigacao Cientifica e Tecnologica: FMRH/BD/241/92 and PRAXIS XXI/BD/5260/95.