CHILDES Spanish Corpora

This page provides an index to the CHILDES data from Romance languages.

In the Corpus Column there are three links.

You can also browse the Spanish database online from this link.

Corpus Age Range N Media Comments
AguadoOrea/Pine 1;10-2;07 2 audio
Aguirre 1;7-2;10 1 audio
BeCaCeSno 3;6-11;6 40 - one or two samples from each child
ColMex 6;0-7;0 30 - Mexican Spanish, picture and procedural description
Diez-Itza 3;0-3;11 20 -
Fernández/Aguado 3;0-4;0 50 -
GRERLI 5020 80 -
Hess 6;0-12;0 24 - Mexican Spanish
Koine 1;6-4;5 71 - Galician Spanish; in PhonBank
Linaza 2;0-4;0 1 -
LlinasOjea 0;11-3;02 2 video one monolingual Spanish-speaking child from the Asturias region & one Spanish-English bilingual child; in PhonBank
Marrero 1;8-8;0 3 - longitudinal study of Spanish children from the Canaries
Montes 1;7-2;11 1 - Mexican Spanish-English Bilingual
Nieva 1;8-2;3 1 video
Ornat 1;7-4;0 1 video
PAIDUS-Spanish 1;0-2;0 5 - in PhonBank
Remedi 1;11-2;10 1 audio naturalistic father-daughter conversations
Romero 2;0 1 - Mexican Spanish
Serra/Solé 1;4-3;10 1 -
Shiro 6;0-9;0 113 audio narratives from Venezuelan children
Vila 0;11-4;08 1 -