CHILDES Russian-French Bailleul Corpus
Oksana Bailleul
University of Rouen, Normandy
Participants: | 1 |
Type of Study: | longitudinal, naturalistic |
Location: | France |
Media type: | video |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5F10F |
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Citation information
Bailleul, O. (2017), Aspects psycholinguistiques du développement du
bilinguisme précoce : une étude de cas d’un enfant bilingue
français-russe de 2 à 4 ans. PhD Dissertation. Rouen, France: University
of Rouen Normandy, 646 p.
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Project Description
Camille is a bilingual child, who grows up in a bilingual French-Russian
family. The parents adopted 'one persone - one language' principle
(Mother speaks Russian, while the father - French). The family lives in
France. The child uses mainly French with both parents untill the age of
3. After this age, she starts to separate both languages : she speaks
Russian with her mother and French with her father and other
French-speaking interlocutors. A full description of the project is
given in this summary.