CHILDES Irish ilfoyle Corpus

Eithne Guilfoyle
Office of the Vice-President Academic Affairs
Dublin City University


Participants: 6
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Ireland
Media type: n/a
DOI: doi:10.21415/T52P5G

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Project Description

This corpus is made up of 5 recordings made in Ireland in 1992, each approximately 45 minutes long. The children are native Irish speakers, aged between 1;7 and 2;9 years including one pair of twins. The children were recorded on audio and videotape in the presence of a parent and a researcher. The conversation is entirely in Irish, however all of the data is translated into English, and the child’s data is glossed on a %mor tier. The children played with a number of toys and the conversation primarily focuses on the toys.

The data were coded with a view to studying the children’s syntactic and morphological development, however, some of the child and adult data may be of interest to people interested in borrowing, language change as all the adults are bilingual, and the children have varying exposure to English.



The data were gathered by E. Guilfoyle, University of Calgary, under the auspices of a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (grant 410-91-1956). The transcripts were typed up by Nóra Welby and verified and translated by Fiona Coll. The transcriptions were glossed and checked by Eithne Guilfoyle and Síle Harrington, assisted by Leah Bartolin, Hooi Ling Soh, Erica Thrift, Grace Randa, and Sean Mac Lennan.