CHILDES Mandarin Chang Toy Play Corpus

Chien-ju Chang
Human Development
National Taiwan Normal University

Participants: 21
Type of Study: longitudinal
Location: Taiwan
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/BZJA-GJ84

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Citation information

Chang, C. (2005). Parent-child interaction and child language/literacy development [Technical report]. Taipei, Taiwan: National Science Council, Taiwan. (NSC-91-2413-H-152-017, NSC-92-2413-H-003-074, NSC-93-2413-H-152-010)

Chang, C., & Huang, C. (2016). Mother-child talk during joint book reading in two social classes in Taiwan: Interaction strategies and information types. Applied Psycholinguistics, 37 (2), 387-410.

Chen, T., Chang, C., & Chen, H. (2012). Turn-taking behavior in children of low-income families in Taiwan and the US. Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, 9 (1), 99-127.

Luo, Y., Snow, C.E., & Chang, C. (2012). Mother-child talk during joint book reading in low-income American and Taiwanese families. First Language, 32 (4), 494-511.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

This study aims to explore home support for language (extended discourse) and literacy development of children from low income families. Twenty-one children and their mothers (or primary caregivers) were visited at home when the children are three, four, and five years old. The researcher observed mother-child interactions when they read books, told joint personal anecdotes, and played toys at each visit. The whole process of mother-child interactions were tape-recorded. An audio tape was also left with the mothers (or primary caregivers) to record meal time conversations after completion of each visit. When the children were five, the researcher assessed the children’s vocabulary, story comprehension, and extended discourse abilities. The audio tapes of mother-child interactions and meal time conversations were transcribed and coded using CHAT.


Zhiyi Wu reformatted this corpus into accord with current (2020) versions of CHAT.