CHILDES Mandarin Zhou Corpus 2

Jing Zhou
East China Normal University


Participants: 140
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: China
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5M59S

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Citation information

Li, X.Y. & Zhou, J. (2004). The Effects of Pragmatic Skills of Mothers with Different Education on Children’s Pragmatic Development. Master’s Thesis. Nanjing Normal University. Shanghai, China.

李晓燕 & 周兢. (2004). 不同教育背景母亲的语言运用对儿童语用的影响. 硕士学位论文. 南京:南京师范大学.

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Project Description

This cross-sectional research was based on project of “Pragmatic Development of Children Speaking Mandarin Chinese”. 140 normal developing children were divided into seven age group, 36mon, 42mon, 48mon, 54mon, 60mon, 66mon, and 72mon, with 20 each group. Within each group, 10 was from high SES (with the similar work class and educational background) and 10 from low SES (the SES data was not available for now because the old data version of SPSS could not be open by now). There were equal numbers of girls and boys.

According to the basic principles of the Harvard study, we arranged for the mother-child interactions in the present research to take place in the children's own kindergarten classrooms, first, because it was easier for parents and children to come and go and second, because it was easier for the children to warm up and participate in the interactions.

We videotaped each mother- child pair using a camera located in one corner of the room and operated by remote control. The investigator was in the room but was not involved in the conversation between mother and child. There was a warm-up period (10min) at the beginning, during which the parents and children were in the room with a collection of toys and the mother was instructed to let her child become accustomed to the setting. After the warm-up period, there was a semi-structured play period. Mother played with her child using the contents of four boxes. The four boxes contained: