CHILDES Mandarin Zhou Narratives Corpus

LinHui Li
Shanghai Normal University

Jing Zhou
East China Normal University


Participants: 200
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: China
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5367Q

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Citation information

Li, LinHui & Zhou, Jing (2011). Preschool Children's Development of Reading Comprehension of Picture Storybook: from a perspective of multimodel meaning making. Doctor's Dissertation. East China Normal University. Shanghai, China.

李林慧 & 周兢. (2011). 学前儿童图画故事书阅读理解发展研究:多元模式意义建构的视野. 博士学位论文. 华东师范大学.

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Project Description

The Zhou narratives were collected during September-December of 2008 in five high quality kindergartens. Children were divided into four age groups, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with the equal boys and girls in each group, and all the children are normal developing without any hearing loss or speech disorder. The parents of children were high educated, with a college degree at least.

Two picture books, the Hungry Hungry Caterpillar and Three Thieves, both in Chinese, were chosen as the materials for retelling, as both were very famous picture books. During the language sample eliciting procedure, every child entered into a quite corner of their classroom and videotaping was required. All the children started retelling after they finished reading the book and before that, the experimenter asked, “Can you tell me the story, looking through the book?” If the child seemed to have trouble producing narration at any point, the experimenter asked, “What happened next?”

Gems are marked as 02-17 to indicate the pages of the book

If you have any questions, please contact Linhui Li as author of this project via email at


Yibin Zhang reformatted this corpus into accord with current (2020) versions of CHAT.