CHILDES Clinical English Eisenberg/Guo Corpus

Sarita Eisenberg
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Montclair State University

Ling-Yu Guo
Department of Speech Communication
SUNY Buffalo


Participants: 34
Type of Study: picture description
Location: USA
Media type: -
DOI: doi:10.21415/M33V-QR74

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Project Description

The data were collected using a picture description task that is described in the appendices to this publication. Appendix A in that paper provides the prompts used to elicit full descriptions and Appendix B describes the pictures used.

Eisenberg, S. L., & Guo, L.-Y. (2015). Sample size for measuring grammaticality in preschool children from picture-elicited language samples. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 46(2), 81-93.

Gems are marked by the names of the 15 pictures: Breakfast, Bubbles, Bus, Cake, Cat, Cookie, Doll, Donut, Dressing, Leaves, Sandbox, Scissors, Snow, Supermarket, and Washing.


Participants included 34 children ranging in age from 3;0 to 3;11, with a mean age of 3;5. All participants were from suburban areas of northern New Jersey and had been recruited for a study about language production in young children.