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Heidi Feldman Pediatrics Stanford University Hospital hfeldman@stanford.edu website |
Participants: | 56 target + 50 control |
Type of Study: | clinical |
Location: | Pittsburgh |
Media type: | no longer available |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5GK55 |
Feldman, H., Keefe, K., & Holland, A. (1989). Language abilities after left hemisphere brain injury: A case study of twins. Topics in Special Education, 9, 32–47.
Keefe, K., Feldman, H., & Holland, A. (1989). Lexical learning and language abilities in preschoolers with perinatal brain damage. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 54, 395–402.
Additional references include:
Ninio, A., Snow, C., Pan, B., & Rollins, P. (1994). Classifying communicative acts in children’s interactions. Journal of Communications Disorders, 27, 157–188.
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
This corpus contains a set of files collected by Heidi Feldman and colleagues at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. The children included are either participants who have experienced some form of brain lesion or the normal controls for these children. There are two main studies. The first set of files is a part of the “narrative study” with children aged 4 to 7 that used picture book story-telling procedures to elicit narrative descriptions. The second study, the “PC” study, looked at younger children using the procedures of the New England study (Ninio, Snow, Pan, & Rollins, 1996). In addition to these two major studies, there was a study of two twin pairs with one child with using both the methods of the PC study and, later, the narrative tasks.
PC Children
Code | Ages | Sex | Comments
BAR | 1;6.0 | M | Prenatal LH stroke
| BEA | 1;2.15–2;0.18 | M | Right infarct
| BEY | 1;6.0–2;3.0 | F | Focal left PVL
| BLA | 1;3.22–3;3.13 | F | Right par–occipital porencephalic cyst with hydrocephalus, shunted
| BOT | 2;6.2–2;9.4 | M | Acquired lesion at 1;9 during surgery, multiple infarcts
| BRA | 2;3.0–3;7.0 | F | bilateral hypodensity lesion
| CAL | 2;6.0–3;6.0 | M | Diffuse injury at term
| CAS | 2;3.0–3;6.0 | M | Bilateral injury in preterm child
| CES | 2;7.0–3;6.0 | M | Bilateral injury in preterm child
| CHA | 1;4.12–3;0.13 | M | Diffuse PVE
| CIC | 1;2.22–2;6.25 | F | Diffuse PVE l
| CIO | 3;3.9–3;9.3 | M | Focal right PVL
| DAN | 1;6.0–3;1.7 | F | Congenital lesion
| DEB | 1;6.10–2;6.10 | M | Diffuse injury
| DOR | 1;11.25–3;0.18 | F | Right Parietal Infarct
| DUP | 1;4.17–2;5.1 | F | PVL lesion type
| EDW | 1;10.0–4;1.17 | F | Lesion type is bi-PVE, R Cyst, Hydrocephalus; infection
| FEI | 1;3.7–2;4.16 | F | Bilateral PVE lesion type
| FLO | 2;4.6–2;10.26 | F | PVE lesion type
| FRI | 1;5.0–4;0.23 | F | Focal right, frontal–parietal–occipital lesion
| GAL | 1;3.20–2;10.15 | M | PVL lesion
| GAM | 1;3.0–4;6.0 | M | Focal left parietal lesion
| GAR | 1;2.15–3;2.19 | F | PVL–L fronto–parietal
| GIG | 1;6.0–3;6.10 | F | Focal right lesion
| GLA | 1;2.28–3;5.1 | F | PVL-L lesion, porencephaly-R
| GRA | 1;3.23–3;0.1 | F | Focal right lesion
| HAL | 1;6.0–3;3.17 | F | Bilateral injury on ultrasound, spastic diplegia
| HAP | 1;4.0–2;2.7 | M | PVE-L lesion, and right porencephalic cyst
| HAT | 1;5.10–3;0. | M | Large right hemisphere infarct
| HIN | 2;2.0–3;9.0 | M | Noncystic PVL on ultrasound, spastic quadriplegia
| LEO | 1;3.17–2;8.14 | F | Diffuse noncystic PVE
| LIN | 1;5.15–3;0.27 | M | Diffuse PVL
| MAC | 2;6.0–4;0.15 | M | Diffuse white matter disease; no motor or sensory impairment
| MAG | 4;0.15–5;3.14 | F | Left MCA infarct
| MAR | 2;11.25–3;4.2 | F | Left hydrocephalus
| MAT | 2;3.10–4;0. | F | Diffuse PVL
| MEC | 2;3.0–3;6.0 | M | Diffuse+left temporal damage
| MED | 1;4.10–2;11.21 | M | Left parietal hemmorhage
| MEY | 1;3.0–2;6.7 | M | Bilateral injury
| MYE | 1;3.2–4;0.21 | M | Right PVL lesion
| NEA | 1;4.25–2;1.29 | M | LH porencephalic cyst
| NOW | 2;6.20–3;9.21 | M | Bilateral PVL lesion
| PLA | 1;3.1–2;8.16 | M | Right porencephalic cyst
| POP | 1;3.0–3;0.6 | M | Right PVE lesion
| ROM | 1;3.27–3;0.25 | M | Right parietal infarct
| SCO | 1;6.0–3;9.0 | F | Infantile hemiplegia; Left cystic PVL
| SHN | 2;8.15–4;0.3 | M | Right fronto–parietal infarct
| SNO | 2;8.0–3;6.0 | Focal left infarct
| SUL | 1;4.0–3;6.0 | M | Diffuse injury
| TRU | 2;7.6 | M | Diffuse injury
| WAL | 1;2.23–3;9.26 | M | Right PVL lesion
| WIX | 1;3.0–3;9. | M | Diffuse injury
| YUC | 2;10.0–3;6.0 | M | Diffuse PVL lesion
| YUZ | 4;1.4 | M | Diffuse injury
| ZIC | 1;5.4–2;6.12 | F | Bilateral PVL lesion
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Most of the control children for the PC study were full-term infants. However, there are also files from eight preterm controls. The preterms files begin with “p” and the nonpreterm control files begin with “n.”
PC Controls
File | Code | Ages | Sex | Condition
nchi0127 | IPP | 2;3.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0218 | TAY | 1;6. 2;3 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0227 | TAY | 2;3.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0318 | JON | 1;6.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0321 | JON | 1;9.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0342 | JON | 3;6.17 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0415 | DO3 | 1;4.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0421 | D03 | 1;9.2 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0430 | DO3 | 2;6 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0439 | DO3 | 3;3.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0515 | GID | 1;3.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0615 | LO1 | 1;2.27 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0727 | LO2 | 2;3.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0842 | CHI | 3;6.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi0942 | CHI | 3;6.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi1030 | AUR | 2;6 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi1139 | ROS | 3;3.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi1242 | PRE | 3;6.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi1336 | HOP | 3;0.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi1418 | SC2 | 1;6.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi1539 | SC1 | 3;3.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi1739 | FRA | 3;3.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi1821 | CHI | 2;0 | Normal control from preschool
| nchi1933 | MUR | 2;9.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi2121 | STE | 1;9.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi2239 | GHA | 3;3.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi2318 | LAI | 1;6.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi2421 | FIN | 1;9.0 | F | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi2518 | CA2 | 1;6.0 | M | Gestational age is 40 weeks
| nchi3130 | CHI | 2;6 | Normal control from preschool
| nma221 | MA2 | 1;9 | Normal twin of MAT
| nma224 | MA2 | 1;11.26 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma227 | MA2 | 2;3.20 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma230 | MA2 | 2;7.20 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma236 | MA2 | 3;0.0 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma239 | MA2 | 3;3.20 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma242e | MA2 | 3;6.20 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma324 | MA3 | 2;0.0 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma327 | MA3 | 2;3.20 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma330 | MA3 | 2;6.27 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma336 | MA3 | 3;0.0 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma339 | MA3 | 3;3.20 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| ma342 | MA3 | 3;6.20 | F | Normal twin of MAT
| DAN | 1;6.0–3–1.21 | M | Preterm twin, control
| DEA | 1;3–1;6 | F | Preterm control
| GAS | 1;6.0–1;9.0 | M | Preterm twin, control
| JAC | 1;9.0 | F | Preterm twin, control
| KOR | 2;11.6 | F | Preterm control
| OTI | 3;3 | F | Preterm control
| REC1 | 1;6.18–1;9.28 | M | Preterm control
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