CHILDES Clinical English Feldman Corpus: Parent-Child

Heidi Feldman
Stanford University Hospital


Participants: 56 target + 50 control
Type of Study: clinical
Location: Pittsburgh
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5GK55

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Project Description

This corpus contains a set of files collected by Heidi Feldman and colleagues at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. The children included are either participants who have experienced some form of brain lesion or the normal controls for these children. There are two main studies. The first set of files is a part of the “narrative study” with children aged 4 to 7 that used picture book story-telling procedures to elicit narrative descriptions. The second study, the “PC” study, looked at younger children using the procedures of the New England study (Ninio, Snow, Pan, & Rollins, 1996). In addition to these two major studies, there was a study of two twin pairs with one child with using both the methods of the PC study and, later, the narrative tasks.

PC Children
BAR1;6.0MPrenatal LH stroke
BEA1;2.15–2;0.18MRight infarct
BEY1;6.0–2;3.0FFocal left PVL
BLA1;3.22–3;3.13FRight par–occipital porencephalic cyst with hydrocephalus, shunted
BOT2;6.2–2;9.4MAcquired lesion at 1;9 during surgery, multiple infarcts
BRA2;3.0–3;7.0Fbilateral hypodensity lesion
CAL2;6.0–3;6.0MDiffuse injury at term
CAS2;3.0–3;6.0MBilateral injury in preterm child
CES2;7.0–3;6.0MBilateral injury in preterm child
CHA1;4.12–3;0.13MDiffuse PVE
CIC1;2.22–2;6.25FDiffuse PVE l
CIO3;3.9–3;9.3MFocal right PVL
DAN1;6.0–3;1.7FCongenital lesion
DEB1;6.10–2;6.10MDiffuse injury
DOR1;11.25–3;0.18FRight Parietal Infarct
DUP1;4.17–2;5.1FPVL lesion type
EDW1;10.0–4;1.17FLesion type is bi-PVE, R Cyst, Hydrocephalus; infection
FEI1;3.7–2;4.16FBilateral PVE lesion type
FLO2;4.6–2;10.26FPVE lesion type
FRI1;5.0–4;0.23F Focal right, frontal–parietal–occipital lesion
GAL1;3.20–2;10.15MPVL lesion
GAM1;3.0–4;6.0MFocal left parietal lesion
GAR1;2.15–3;2.19FPVL–L fronto–parietal
GIG1;6.0–3;6.10FFocal right lesion
GLA1;2.28–3;5.1F PVL-L lesion, porencephaly-R
GRA1;3.23–3;0.1F Focal right lesion
HAL1;6.0–3;3.17FBilateral injury on ultrasound, spastic diplegia
HAP1;4.0–2;2.7M PVE-L lesion, and right porencephalic cyst
HAT1;5.10–3;0.MLarge right hemisphere infarct
HIN2;2.0–3;9.0MNoncystic PVL on ultrasound, spastic quadriplegia
LEO1;3.17–2;8.14FDiffuse noncystic PVE
LIN1;5.15–3;0.27MDiffuse PVL
MAC2;6.0–4;0.15MDiffuse white matter disease; no motor or sensory impairment
MAG4;0.15–5;3.14FLeft MCA infarct
MAR2;11.25–3;4.2FLeft hydrocephalus
MAT2;3.10–4;0.FDiffuse PVL
MEC2;3.0–3;6.0MDiffuse+left temporal damage
MED1;4.10–2;11.21MLeft parietal hemmorhage
MEY1;3.0–2;6.7MBilateral injury
MYE1;3.2–4;0.21MRight PVL lesion
NEA1;4.25–2;1.29MLH porencephalic cyst
NOW2;6.20–3;9.21MBilateral PVL lesion
PLA1;3.1–2;8.16MRight porencephalic cyst
POP1;3.0–3;0.6MRight PVE lesion
ROM1;3.27–3;0.25MRight parietal infarct
SCO1;6.0–3;9.0FInfantile hemiplegia; Left cystic PVL
SHN2;8.15–4;0.3MRight fronto–parietal infarct
SNO2;8.0–3;6.0Focal left infarct
SUL1;4.0–3;6.0MDiffuse injury
TRU2;7.6MDiffuse injury
WAL1;2.23–3;9.26MRight PVL lesion
WIX1;3.0–3;9.MDiffuse injury
YUC2;10.0–3;6.0MDiffuse PVL lesion
YUZ4;1.4MDiffuse injury
ZIC1;5.4–2;6.12FBilateral PVL lesion

Most of the control children for the PC study were full-term infants. However, there are also files from eight preterm controls. The preterms files begin with “p” and the nonpreterm control files begin with “n.”

PC Controls
nchi0127IPP2;3.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0218TAY1;6. 2;3FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0227TAY2;3.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0318JON1;6.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0321JON1;9.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0342JON3;6.17FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0415DO31;4.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0421D031;9.2MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0430DO32;6MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0439DO33;3.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0515GID1;3.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0615LO11;2.27FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0727LO22;3.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0842CHI3;6.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi0942CHI3;6.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi1030AUR2;6FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi1139ROS3;3.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi1242PRE3;6.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi1336HOP3;0.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi1418SC21;6.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi1539SC13;3.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi1739FRA3;3.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi1821CHI2;0Normal control from preschool
nchi1933MUR2;9.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi2121STE1;9.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi2239GHA3;3.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi2318LAI1;6.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi2421FIN1;9.0FGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi2518CA21;6.0MGestational age is 40 weeks
nchi3130CHI2;6Normal control from preschool
nma221MA21;9Normal twin of MAT
nma224MA21;11.26FNormal twin of MAT
ma227MA22;3.20FNormal twin of MAT
ma230MA22;7.20FNormal twin of MAT
ma236MA23;0.0FNormal twin of MAT
ma239MA23;3.20FNormal twin of MAT
ma242eMA23;6.20FNormal twin of MAT
ma324MA32;0.0FNormal twin of MAT
ma327MA32;3.20FNormal twin of MAT
ma330MA32;6.27FNormal twin of MAT
ma336MA33;0.0FNormal twin of MAT
ma339MA33;3.20FNormal twin of MAT
ma342MA33;6.20FNormal twin of MAT
DAN1;6.0–3–1.21MPreterm twin, control
DEA1;3–1;6FPreterm control
GAS1;6.0–1;9.0MPreterm twin, control
JAC1;9.0FPreterm twin, control
KOR2;11.6FPreterm control
OTI3;3FPreterm control
REC11;6.18–1;9.28MPreterm control