Hariklia Proios Department of Educational and Social Policy University of Macedonia hproios@gmail.com |
Félix Díaz Department of Psychology Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha fdiaz@aubg.edu website |
Georgios Chatzopoulos Department of Educational and Social Policy University of Macedonia geochatz93@hotmail.com |
Evgenia-Peristera Kouki Department of Psychology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki e.p.kouki@gmail.com |
Participants: | 4 |
Type of Study: | dialogue |
Location: | Greece |
Media type: | video |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5N96B |
Browsable transcripts | |
Downloadable transcripts | |
Media folder |
CHI is an eleven-year old student in primary school, with possible diagnosis of epilepsy. His main deficits included movement coordination and somatognosia, along with stability and telling left from right. Use of medication was not reported. File chi1.cha is an interview of him before a night of sleep deprivation, and file chi2.cha is a next-day interview
KM is an eleven-year old student in primary school, with possible diagnosis of epilepsy. His main symptoms are frequent headaches and involuntary head movements. File km1.cha is an interview of him before a night of sleep deprivation, and file meta.cha is a next-day interview.
PA is a 12-year-old child, with cerebral palsy and mild intellectual disability. The session was recorded and transcribed by Georgios Chatzopoulos, Panagiota Makri, and Hariklia Proios.
LCH is a bilingual 7-year-old child, whose primary language is English. In the conversation, the participants are the child, a family member, and an educator. The session was recorded and transcribed by Georgios Chatzopoulos, Tatiana Pourliaka, and Hariklia Proios.