CHILDES Dutch Corpora

This page provides an index to CHILDES data from Dutch and Afrikaans.

You can also browse the Dutch database online from this link.

Corpus Age Range N Media Comments
Asymmetries 4;1-6;3 / 6;2-12;1 31 / 38 audio children telling stories
AarssenBos 4,5,7,9,10 176 audio Frog stories
BolKuiken-TD 1;7-3;7 47 coming? Dutch normal controls
CLPF 1;0-2;11 12 audio in PhonBank
De Houwer 4-5 4 audio the study focuses on dialect features unique to the Antwerp area
DeHouwer/Bornstein 1;1 and 1;8 31 video early MOT-CHI interaction, protected
Gillis 0;11.15-1;11.28 1 - bi-weekly recording sessions
Groningen 1;05-3;07 7 audio home setting
Schaerlaekens 1;8.19-2;10.23, 1;10.18-3;1.8 6 - two sets of triplets
SchlichtingVanKampen 3;5-5;3 4 audio monthly sessions at home
Utrecht 2;3-3;1 2 audio in PhonBank
van Kampen Laura 1;9-5;10
Sarah 1;6.16-6;0
2 audio monthly sessions at home
van Oosten 4-12 6 coming monolingual comparison children for a study of bilingualism
Wijnen 2;7-3;10 1 - slow starter in both grammar and phonology
Zink 0;8-2;2 4 not available in PhonBank
SouthwoodWhite 51 4-7 audio one sample from each child
Stellenbosch 2-4 2 - two children learning Afrikaans