CHILDES English and AAE Cameron Corpus


Claire Cameron
Dept of Learning and Instruction
University at Buffalo

Melodie Baker
Q&A Stats

Samantha Didrichsen
Dept of Learning and Instruction
University at Buffalo

Tanya Lewis-Jones
Dept of Learning and Instruction
University at Buffalo

Christina Mead
Dept of Learning and Instruction
University at Buffalo

Krystal Starke
Dept of Learning and Instruction
University at Buffalo

Participants: 40
Type of Study: cross-sectional
Location: upstate New York
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/A72H-SW43

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Citation information

Cameron, C. E., Starke, K., Lewis-Jones, T., Baker, M., Didrichsen, S., & Mead, C. (2023). Technical codebook for Project Equity: A study to capture, appreciate, and understand young children’s language diversity. Unpublished document.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by the above reference.

Additional references, and publications based on this data corpus:

Starke, K. (2023). “Can I play with the toys now?”: An exploration of preschool storytelling structure in wordless picturebook and guided play contexts to inform teacher training and toy development [Doctoral, University at Buffalo].

Project Description

This corpus will eventually contain audio-recordings averaging 45min for each of 39 four- and five-year-old children who participated in six different interactive activities with 1 of 3 assessors at their early childhood site (two activities per assessor, counterbalanced by assessor). In Session A, children viewed Frog, Where Are You? on a tablet, then told their own story; they were then invited to tell another story using playsets and manipulatives reminiscent of scenes in the picturebook. In Session B, children chose their favorite characters and told a third, new story to a new assessor; they also completed a tablet-based self-regulation assessment called HTKS-Kids. In Session C, children completed the Differential Abilities Scales (DAS-II) Naming Vocabulary and Verbal Comprehension subtests, and the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation (GFTA-III).

File names has these fields:

  1. Location (Buffalo, site # of 6 centers within Buffalo)
  2. Child identifier
  3. Child age in months
  4. PE (Project Equity)
  5. Time/Date stamp (A22 for august 2022)
Example file name: B3_22_49_PE_A22 indicates Site 3 in Buffalo, child id 22, 49 months old, from Project Equity, August 2022


Cameron, C. E. (Principal Investigator), McClelland, M. M., & Kwan, T. (5/1/2021-12/30/2023). Supplemental awards 1 and 2 to HTKS-Kids: A feasibility study to gamify the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders behavioral self-regulation research assessment. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, INV-034807. In addition to our funder, we are indebted to Dr. Yolanda Holt, SLP, PHD of Eastern Carolina University; Elijah Moses of Urban Equity DC and Wise Young Builders, and the team at Learning Tapestry. We sincerely thank the children, families, and teachers who participated.

Usage Restrictions

There are no usage restrictions for investigators obtaining permission to use data from CHILDES/TalkBank. The University at Buffalo research team completely de-identified all audio files and silenced all names and other possibly identifying details before sharing with CHILDES. Child background and assessment information is available upon written request from the PI.