CHILDES English McCune Corpus
Lorraine McCune
Rutgers University
Participants: | 10 |
Type of Study: | naturalistic |
Location: | USA |
Media type: | video |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5G59J |
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Project Description
This corpus is based on videotapes collected by Lorraine McCune from 10
children ages 9-24 months, and again at 31 36 months in the 1980s.
Mothers are seated on the floor with their children and the same toys
are used each month. These videotapes were later digitized and Lorraine
and her students have linked video through 24 months for 3 so far:
Alice, Jase, and Rick. Additional video and unlinked transcripts exist
for 6 more children. Transcripts will be added as this work progresses.
Matching cross-sectional data exist (transcripts 6 children at each
month of age, for children who have begun speech), but the video has
been lost.
The birthdates of the six children are as follows:
- Alice - 07-JUL-1979
- Aurie - 06-JUL-1979
- Jase - 24-APR-1979
- Rick - 06-JUN-1979
- Ronny - 16-AUG-1979
- Vito - 30-JUN-1979