CHILDES English Morisset Corpus

Colleen Huebner Morisset
Department of Health Sciences
University of Washington


Participants: 68, 79, 58
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: USA
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T53895

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Project Description

These data come from a three-site study of language in children of welfare mothers. The sites were Seattle, Topeka, and UCLA. The 68 transcripts from the Seattle site used the prohibition task. The 79 transcripts from the Topeka site used snack sessions. In both of these sites, the children were all about 2;6 of age. For the Topeka data, the language sample is said to begin when the Examiner leaves the room (usually at the sound of the door closing) after she has finished setting up the snack. It ends when the Examiner reenters after about six minutes. In the UCLA sample, there are 58 children ranging in age from about 2;11 to 3;6, using a mother-child free play situation.