CHILDES English Peters/Wilson Corpus

Ann Peters
Department of Linguistics
University of Hawaii

Bob Wilson
Wills Point, TX

Participants: 1
Type of Study: case study
Location: USA
Media type: audio unlinked
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5NS4D

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In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

These are transcripts of audiotapes made by Dr. Bob Wilson of himself and his son Seth, who was born October 18, 1980. Although Wilson has placed this material in the public domain, it has not been censored as to personally sensitive material. Please be careful of this when using these transcripts and do not quote any questionable material. Wilson has chosen not to have the names changed. For coding conventions for the %spa line see the files “00spa.fat” and “00spa.chi” for the father and the child. The file “00coding.cdc” has special codes for the %gls lines for Seth and for phonological forms placed on the main line for Seth. The files were reformatted into CHAT in June 1992 by Brian MacWhinney. They were then rechecked in 1994 by Ann Peters. The %pho tiers are in broad phonetic transcription (for Seth) and normal spelling that reflects the pronunciation (for Dad). Main stress is marked with "^", secondary stress with '='.. Reference to these materials in documents to be circulated (published or unpublished) should acknowledge the above sources. Seth has a severe visual impairment.


The CHAT versions of these transcripts were made under the supervision of Dr. Ann Peters of the University of Hawai’i, with financial assistance from NSF grant BNS84-18272.