CHILDES English Snow Corpus
Catherine Snow
Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
Participants: | 1 |
Type of Study: | case study |
Location: | Boston, MA |
Media type: | audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5C59M |
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
Project Description
This corpus contains 30 files of data collected by Catherine Snow
between 1979 and 1980 in Brookline, MA. The participant was her son,
Nathaniel. He was 2;5 at the start of the study and 3;9 at the end.
Before using the data, please check with Catherine Snow. Nathaniel was,
at this stage of development, a particularly unintelligible child. He
also used many empty or semi-empty forms mixed with meaningful speech,
such as duh-duh, da-da, dede. Accordingly, many of his transcribed
utterances include syllables that were broadly phonetically transcribed,
either because they had no meaning, or because they could not be
interpreted. His mispronunciations had in some cases standardized
themselves into lexical or semilexicalized items, used either standardly
in the family (see 0lexicon.cdc) or tran-siently within certain
conversations (see 0lexicon.cdc). Unintelligible and empty syllables
have been indicated in the text line by a yyy and the phonetic
transcription is indicated on the %pho: tier.