CHILDES English StoopsMontag Corpus

Anastasia Stoops
University of Illinois

Jessica Montag
University of Illinois

Participants: 12
Type of Study: book reading
Location: USA
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/2RD6-0H36

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Citation information

Stoops, A. & Montag, J. L. (2024). Stoops-Montag picture book reading corpus. doi:XXXXX

Stoops, A., Wu, M., Jung, I., & Montag, J. L. (in review). A novel corpus of naturalistic picture book reading with 2-3 year old children.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

Audio recordings of 12 families with children 27-37 months of age reading picture books at home. Data was collected December 2019-March 2020. Audio recordings include novel books provided to the families by the experimenters: Oh the Places You’ll Go! (Dr. Seuss), Stellaluna (Janell Cannon), That is Not a Good Idea (Mo Willems), When Dinosaurs Came with Everything (Elise Broach) and books the families already owned at home. There are 183 book reading episodes, comprised of 60 novel books and 123 familiar books for a total of about 19 hours of picture book reading. All audio is diarized, segmented, and transcribed.

The $xds code indicates who speech is directed toward. It is coded for all speakers.

  • T: speech directed at target child
  • C: speech directed at another child
  • A: speech directed at an adult

    The $txt code indicates whether the utterance consists of speech that is book text read aloud or extra textual conversation (any other spontaneous speech). It is only coded for the adult who is reading the book.


    This project was supported by NSF-BCS Grant #1749594 and a Scholar Award from the James S. McDonnell foundation to Jessica L. Montag.