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Richard Weist Department of Psychology SUNY Fredonia website |
Participants: | 54 |
Type of Study: | naturalistic |
Location: | USA |
Media type: | audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5KW3F |
Weist, R. M., Pawlak, A., & Hoffman, K. (2009). Finiteness systems and lexical aspect in child Polish and English. Linguistics, 47(6), 1321-1350.
Weist, R. M. & Zevenbergen, A. (2008). Autobiographical memory and past time reference. Language Learning and Development, 4(4), 291 – 308.
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
This CHILDES archive file contains caregiver-child interaction data from six children who participated in the Fredonia Child Language Project directed by Richard M. Weist. The goal of this longitudinal project was to obtain caregiver-child interaction data from children aged 2 to 5, in order to capture the children’s language in an early phase of the acquisition of their initial system of temporal reference (i.e., their Event Time system) and continue observations through the emergence of their advanced system of temporal reference (i.e., their Reference Time system). Whenever possible, the children were audio tape recorded in either a laboratory setting or in their homes twice a month for approximately 30 minutes. The audio tapes were transcribed into the CHAT format (MacWhinney, 2000), and then the transcriptions were completely checked for accuracy. The children are as follows together with their birthdates, starting ages, ending ages, and number (n) of transcripts: Ben (04-JUN-1999, 2;4 – 3;3 n = 11), Emily (03-JAN-2001, 2;6 – 4;5 n = 23), Emma (17-JUL-1999, 2;7 – 4;7 n = 28), Jillian (11-MAY-1999, 2;1 – 2;10 n = 22), Matty (09-JUN-1999, 2;3 – 5;0 n = 56), and Roman (12-DEC-1998, 2;2 – 4;7 n = 42). The families of two of the children, Ben and Jillian, moved away from Western New York prematurely during the projected span of the project. All of the children in the Fredonia Child Language Project were residents of Chautauqua County in Western New York State, they came from middle class homes, and their parents were professionals.
The data from five of the six children together with the data from five children that were already available in the CHILDES archives [Abe 2;4 – 4;11 (Kuczaj, 1976), Adam 2;3 – 4;10 (Brown, 1973), Naomi 1;2 – 4;9 (Sachs, 1983), Nina 1;11 – 3;3 (Suppes, 1974), and Sarah 2;3 – 4;11 (Brown, 1973)] formed the basis for a study of the relationship between the emergence of the morpho-syntax of the temporal systems and the expression of autobiographical memories. The interested reader can learn more about these children and how their data relate to existing CHILDES data in Weist and Zevenbergen (2008). Furthermore, the data from one of the children in the Fredonia Project were included in a cross-linguistic (i.e., English – Polish) study of the emergence of finite morphology in Weist, Pawlak, and Hoffman (in press).
This project was supported by National Science Foundation grant # BCS-0091702 and by the State University of New York at Fredonia