CHILDES Eng Corpora

This page provides an index to the CHILDES data from the United Kingdom. All corpora are tagged using Universal Dependencies except for Forrester and Smith.

Click here to download a 69 MB .zip file of all the Eng-UK transcripts in the older MOR format.

You can also browse the Eng database online from this link.

Corpus______________ Age Range N Media Comments
Belfast 2;4-4;5 8 - study of the role of input in Belfast English and Standard English
Conti-Ramsden 1 4-9 8 - 4 British SLI children and their normal siblings
Conti-Ramsden 4 13-15 19, 99 - 19 SLI children and 99 controls
Cruttenden 1;5-3;7 dyzygotic twins - in PhonBank
Edinburgh 0;9 47 audio for 24 early mother-child interaction
Fletcher 3, 5, 7 72 - normative data on British children collected in an interview setting
Forrester 1;0-3;2 1 video video study with CA coding
Gathercole/Burns 3;0-6;4 12 - cross-sectional data collection during a structured play session
Howe 1;6-1;8
16 - mother-child interaction during free play with data coded extensively for actions and situations at two time points
KellyQuigley 2;7-3;6 48 audio father-child book reading
Korman infants 6 audio maternal speech interactions with preverbal infants
Lara 1;9-3;3 1 - longitudinal case study
Manchester 1;8-3;0 12 audio 12 English children recorded weekly for the period of a year
MPI-EVA-Manchester 1;8-3;2 4 audio dense sampling from four British children
Nuffield 0;11 76 - IDS Infant Directed Speech
OdiaMAIN 3-10 15 audio Odia-English bilinguals speaking English
QuigleyMcNally 0;4-1;2 40 - in ASDBank
Sekali 1-4 2 video brother and sister
Smith 2;2-3;0 1 - in PhonBank
Thomas 2;0.12-4;11.20 1 audio dense data collection
Tommerdahl 2;6-3;6 23 video study of verb tense usage during playtime
Wells 1;6-5;0 32 - large study of the language of British preschool children collected at random intervals