CHILDES French Geneva Corpus

Cornelia Hamann
Department of English and American Studies
University of Oldenburg


Ulrich Frauenfelder
Honorary Professor
University of Geneva


Luigi Rizzi
Department of Linguistics
University of Geneva and University of Sienna

Pascal Zesiger
Department of Psycholinguistics
University of Geneva


Lucienne Rasetti

Participants: 1
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Switzerland
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5F898

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Citation information

Unfortunately, Lucienne Rasetti, who did most of the work on this project was not a co-author on this article. However, her involvement should be noted.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by the above reference.

Additional publications based on this corpus include:

Project Description

These data were contributed by the researchers of the Geneva Interfaculty Project “Language and communication – Acquisition and Pathology” (1992-2002) Lucienne Rasetti, Ulrich Frauenfelder, Cornelia Hamann, Luigi Rizzi and Pascal Zesiger from the Departments of Psychology and Linguistics of the University of Geneva. The first aim of this project was the description of a developmental profile for typical French children. On the basis of this profile, the phenomena of French specific language impairment (SLI) were described and diagnostic criteria were specified. Five typically developing French speaking children were recorded, transcribed and analyzed during this project alongside with 11 French speaking children with SLI.

The data available here are the data from the typically developing child Marie (born on the 16th of February 1994), who was recorded in her home in Geneva by her parents on a fortnightly basis. There are 17 files based on 45 minutes of recording at each session from age 1;8.26 to age 2;6.10. Marie was recorded in play with her parents or during other everyday activities such as having breakfast or going to bed. Both her parents have a university education. The language spoken at home is French, the ambient language in Geneva is (Swiss) French. The recordings were collected between November 1995 and August 1996 and transcribed and verified by five students of the Department of Psychology of the University of Geneva. Lucienne Rasetti from the Department of Linguistics did the final verification and normalized the files for CLAN applications.