CHILDES Frogs German Neitzel Corpus

Isabel Neitzel
Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences
TU Dortmund

Participants: 28
Type of Study: narrative
Location: Germany
Media type: not available
DOI: doi:10.21415/3EXH-BX55

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Citation information

Neitzel, I. (2023). Narrative abilities in individuals with Down syndrome: single-case profiles. Frontiers in Psychology. 14:1116567. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1116567.

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Project Description

Narrative transcripts of 28 children and adolescents with Down syndrome, obtained using the non-verbal picture book ‘Frog, where are you?’. The data was collected in Germany and all participants were monolingual German speakers. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the medical faculty of University of Cologne (nr. of approval 18-121).


A special thanks goes to all participants and their families for supporting this research. A further thank goes to Prof. Dr. Martina Penke for supervision of the study at University of Cologne, Germany, and to Tabea Musshoff for support in data preparation for CHILDES at TU Dortmund University. Finanial support for the open data-publication of this data was granted by the Young Academy Programme at TU Dortmund University, Germany.

Please see this link for a general description of the Frog Story methods.