CHILDES Portuguese Santos Corpus

Ana Lúcia Santos
University of Lisbon


Participants: 3
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Portugal
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5002T

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Citation information

Publications using these data should cite the two following publications:

Santos, A. L. (2006). Minimal Answers. Ellipsis, Syntax and Discourse in the Acquisition of European Portuguese. Ph.D. Dissertation. Universidade de Lisboa. (Published 2009, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins).

Santos, A. L., M. Génereux, A. Cardoso, C. Agostinho, S. Abalada (2014). A corpus of European Portuguese child and child-directed speech. In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation – LREC 2014. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

The recordings for this project were made in the child’s home, in a naturalistic setting. Each file corresponds to one session of 45 to 55 minutes. The child interacts with the researcher and his / her mother or other members of the family. Transcriptions include both child and child-directed speech.

The data for InesM and Tomás were collected by the author of this corpus. The data for InesI were collected by Maria João Freitas (University of Lisbon). For more details on data collection and transcription, see Santos (2006) and Santos et al. (2014). The corpus is automatically tagged, as described in Santos et al. (2014). More information can also be found in

Participant NameDate of birthAge RangeNumber sessionsSex