CHILDES Norwegian Ringstad Corpus

Tina Ringstad
Department of Education
Norwegian University of Science


Participants: 3
Type of Study: naturalistic
Location: Norway
Media type: not available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5WP4J

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Citation information

Ringstad, Tina L. (2014). Byggeklossar i barnespråk. (Building blocks in child language) Master’s thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim: NTNU.

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Project Description

This project is a longitudinal study of three Norwegian children (all girls), from age 1;10 to 2;8. The recordings were carried out in the children’s home, and by the parents, for approximately six months. The researcher was not present during the recordings with the exception of one child (Tuva). The majority of recordings are done during meal time or play time, and in some instances during reading or spending time outdoors. Utterances are spontaneous.

All three children live in the Trondheim area, acquiring the local dialect. The dialect of the parents is indicated in each transcription file. One or both parents are always present in the recordings, and other adults are also present at times. This is indicated in each transcription file. All three children go to kindergarten.


Idun was recorded from the age of 2;3.08 to 2;9.02. Her mother speaks the local dialect (trøndersk), and her father speaks an eastern Norwegian dialect (austlending).


Tuva was recorded from the age of 1;1.17 to 2;08.21. Her mother speaks the local dialect (trøndersk), and the adult most present in the recordings other than her mother, is her grandmother, who also speaks the local dialect.


Ylva was recorded from the age of 2;1.09 to 2;8.11. Her mother speaks a northern Norwegian dialect (nordlending), and her father speaks a western Norwegian dialect (vestlending).

Key to transcription

The recordings are transcribed to preserve the dialects and the accuracy of the utterances, and are not orthographically standardized. Children specific pronounciations or word forms are marked according to the CHAT manual, and translated into adult (dialectal) forms. Dialectal compounds are marked and standardized, especially when they involve a negation that would otherwise be lost in a search for negation (e.g. måkje@d [: må ikkje]).