Eva Bar-Shalom Linguistics University of Connecticut eva.bar-shalom@uconn.edu |
William Snyder Linguistics University of Connecticut william.snyder@uconn.edu |
Participants: | 1 |
Type of Study: | |
Location: | |
Media type: | looking for audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5SK5Z |
Publications using these data should cite:
Bar-Shalom, E., & Snyder, W. (1997). Optional infinitives in Russian and their implications for the pro-drop debate. In M. Lindseth and S. Franks (eds.) Formal approaches to Slavic linguistics: The Indiana Meeting 1996, pp.38–47. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications.
Bar-Shalom, E. & Snyder, W. (1998). Root infinitives in child Russian: A comparison with Italian and Polish. In R. Shillcock, A. Sorace, and C. Heycock (eds.) Language acquisition: Knowledge representation and processing. Proceedings of GALA '97. Edinburgh, UK: The University of Edinburgh.
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
The Tanja corpus was videotaped and transcribed by Eva Bar-Shalom, a native speaker of Russian, in collaboration with William Snyder. The corpus contains fifteen longitudinal, spontaneous-speech samples from a monolingual, Russian-learning girl with the pseudonym “Tanja” between the ages of 2;05.14 and 2;11.20. Tanja was recorded in her home in the United States at a rate of approximately twice per month. At the time of the study Tanja was an only child, and was cared for at home by her monolingual (native Russian) mother and her bilingual (native Russian, ESL) father. The language spoken at home was consistently Russian, and exposure to English was minimal.
Tanja was born on 14-DEC-1993. The dates of the recordings, and Tanja’s age at each recording, are as follows:
File | Date | Age | File | Date | Age
Tanja01 | 28-MAY-1996 | 2;5.14 | Tanja09 | 20-SEP-1996 | 2;9.6
| Tanja02 | 10-JUN-1996 | 2;5.27 | Tanja10 | 25-OCT-1996 | 2;10.11
| Tanja03 | 18-JUN-1996 | 2;6.4 | Tanja11 | 08-NOV-1996 | 2;10.25
| Tanja04 | 25-JUN-1996 | 2;6.11 | Tanja12 | 11-NOV-1996 | 2;10.28
| Tanja05 | 23-JUL-1996 | 2;7.9 | Tanja13 | 15-NOV-1996 | 2;11.01
| Tanja06 | 12-AUG-1996 | 2;7.29 | Tanja14 | 22-NOV-1996 | 2;11.08
| Tanja07 | 29-AUG-1996 | 2;8.15 | Tanja15 | 04-DEC-1996 | 2;11.20
| Tanja08 | 09-SEP-1996 | 2;8.26 |
| |
The project was conducted in the Child Language Laboratory, Department of Linguistics, University of Connecticut, and was funded in part by the University of Connecticut Research Foundation.