CHILDES Serbian SCECL Corpus (Serbian Corpus of Early Child Language)

Darinka Anđelković
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Belgrade


Nada Ševa
Institute for Educational Research


Jasmina Moskovljević Popović

Participants: 8
Type of Study: longitudinal, naturalistic
Location: Serbia; Bosnia and Herzegovina
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5XW25

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Citation information

Anđelković, D., Ševa, N. & Moskovljević, J. (2001). Serbian Corpus of Early Child Language. Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, and Department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

The Serbian Corpus of Early Child Language (SCECL) was compiled within the project "Categories and Processes in Early Serbian Child Language" granted to Jasmina Moskovljević Popović and Darinka Anđelković, and financed by the Open Society Foundations Research Support Scheme No. 256/1998. Eight children were recorded longitudinally in the home setting in interaction with parents, siblings, grandmothers/grandfathers, cousins, visitors, researchers, playmates. The recording sessions started in June 1998 when children were 18 months old, and ended in December 2000 when they reached 48 months of age. The sessions were conducted every two months, yielding 16 age levels for each child. The sessions were aimed mainly at recording of spontaneous interaction (90 min). Every 6 months the children’s general psychological development was assessed for an additional 30 minutes (120 min in total). All the children were from middle-class urban environment. The parents mainly had a high school education, and few of them had higher degrees. The recordings were made in Belgrade (Serbia) and Banja Luka (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Thus, the corpus consists of ekavski and ijekavski dialect of Serbian language equally distributed across children.
LAZMHSHSBanja Lukaijekavski
ANAFHigherHigherBanja Lukaijekavski
ANEFHSHSBanja Lukaijekavski
NIKMUniUniBanja Lukaijekavski

The transcription was conducted according to Serbian phonemic orthography which is officialy in use for the Serbian language. Transcription was made by trained native speakers of Serbian who transcribed, checked, and corrected the transcriptions. Besides the participants utterances, the transcripts contain numerous headers and dependent tiers which provide description of contextual and situational information, and the participants’ non-verbal behavior.

We would ask researchers using these data to inform us about their work and to send copies of articles or references resulting from the usage of the Serbian database.


The Serbian Corpus of Early Child Language (SCECL) was compiled within the project "Categories and Processes in Early Serbian Child Language" granted to Jasmina Moskovljević Popović and Darinka Anđelković, and financed by the Open Society Foundations Research Support Scheme No. 256/1998.