CHILDES Spanish BeCaCeSno Corpus

Maria Benedet
Faculdad de Psicologia
UCM - Somosaguas, Madrid, Spain

Catherine Snow
Graduate School of Education
Harvard University


Celis Cruz


Maria Carrasco


Participants: 40 children -- age 3;6 to 11;6
Type of Study: free conversation between one or more children and an adult
Location: Spain
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5ZG77

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Project Description

The principal aim of this corpus is to achieve a descriptive study of the normal development in conversational language skills for children between ages 4 (3;6) and 12 (11;6).

The corpora has 81 transcriptions, each based on one-hour audio recordings. Each tape includes a free conversation between one or more children and an adult. The target-children are normal monolingual speakers of Spanish.

The file names begin with the age of the child in years and months, then the gender of the target child, then the letter “g” if there is a group of children or “c” if there is a class of children. For example, 10c03.cha indicates a class of children between ages 9,6 and 10,6.


This database has been created under the project "Psycholingüistic assessment of language abilities in children" partially supported by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (C.A.M.) and conducted under the direction of M. J. Benedet. The data have been collected by students in speech therapy program at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (U.C.M.).

The transcription has been performed by students in the Speech Therapy and Psychology programs at the U.C.M. These students have been trained and supervised by Maria Carrasco and Celis Cruz. Catherine Snow has been a central piece in our own training and advice. She has also made possible a partial support that we had at this stage. BECACESNO is a combination of our initials.