CHILDES Spanish Vila Corpus

Elisabet Serrat Sellabona
Department of Psychology
University of Girona

Participants: 1
Type of Study: longitudinal
Location: Spain
Media type: not available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5BK5X

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Citation information

Vila, I. (1990). Adquisición y desarrollo del lenguaje. Barcelona: Graó.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

This is a corpus of data from Emilio, a Spanish-speaking boy who was audio recorded (with some gaps) from 0;11 to 4;08. Emilio was born 20-MAY-1980. The head of the project was Ignasi Vila, and the work was carried out in the ICE (Institute of Educational Sciences) in the University of Barcelona. Associate researchers were Montserrat Cortés, Montserrat Moreno, Carme Muñoz, and Elisabet Serrat. The collection and transcription of the data would have not been possible without the help of Carme Mena, Ana Novella, and Joaquim Romero.

Table 1: Vila - Emilio Files
E01.cha0;11.09E13.cha1;10.11E25.cha2; 08.27
E02.cha1;00.10E14.cha1;10.19E26.cha2; 11.07
E03.cha1;01.20E15.cha1;11.12E27.cha2; 11.24
E04.cha1;04.09E16.cha2;00.02E28.cha3; 10.00
E05.cha1;04.24E17.cha2;00.29E29.cha3; 10.13
E06.cha1;05.19E18.cha2;01.22E30.cha3; 11.25
E07.cha1;06.08E19.cha2;03.00E31.cha4; 00.09
E08.cha1;06.19E20.cha2;04.16E32.cha4; 01.00
E09.cha1;07.11E21.cha2;05.23E33.cha4; 01.12
E10.cha1;08.13E22.cha2;06.17E34.cha4; 06.00
E11.cha1;08.26E23.cha2;07.08E35.cha4; 08.15


The project has been partially supported by a grant from Spanish Government (DGICYT PB89-0624-C02-01).