CHILDES Spanish Linaza Corpus

José L. Linaza
Psicología de los procesos
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Participants: 1
Type of Study: longitudinal
Location: Spain
Media type: no longer available
DOI: doi:10.21415/T59W4B

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Citation information

Linaza, J., Sebastián, M. E., & del Barrio, C. (1981). Lenguaje, comunicación y comprensión. La adquisición del lenguaje. Monografía de Infancia y Aprendizaje, 195-198.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by the above reference.

Project Description

José Linaza of the University of Madrid has contributed data from a longitudinal case study of his son Juan between ages 2 and 4. Juan’s younger brother Jaime also talks in the files collected at the later ages. The names of the files reflect Juan’s ages in years and months. The data were reformatted into CHAT in 1992. Most of the files have the father as the major interlocutor. However, the mother and another researcher speak with the child on some of the tapes. Juan’s speech is often transcribed in a way that captures phonological deletions. For example, “Orge” is used for “Jorge” and so on. Before doing analyses for lexical items, the researcher should take a good look at these alternative spellings. The marking of clauses or utterances in the original was not always consistent, so counts such as MLU would not be appropriate.


Mary MacWhinney reformatted this corpus into accord with current versions of CHAT.