CHILDES Spanish Ornat Corpus

Susana López Ornat
Basic Psychology
University of Madrid


Sonia Mariscal
Department of Developmental Psychology
National Distance Education University


Participants: 1
Type of Study: longitudinal, naturalistic
Location: Spain
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5Q59Q

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Citation information

López Ornat, S. (1994). La adquisición de la lengua Española. Madrid: Siglo XXI.

López Ornat, S. (1997). What lies in between a pregrammatical and a grammatical representation? Evidence on nominal and verbal form-function mappings in Spanish from 1;07 to 2;01. In W. R. Glass & A. T. Pérez-Leroux (Eds.) Contemporary perspectives on the acquisition of Spanish. Somerville, Mass., Cascadilla Press.

Mariscal, S. (1996). Adquisiciones morfosintácticas en torno al sintagma nominal: El género gramatical en español. In M. Pérez Pereira (Ed.) Estudios sobre la adquisición del castellano, catalán, eusquera y gallego (pp. 263–270). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de Publicacions.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Project Description

Participant Name:  María
Age Range:  1;07.00-4;00.00
Sessions:  30
Sex:  F

This directory contains the longitudinal corpora of a Spanish child, María, from Madrid, Spain. María, was studied by Susana López Ornat of Madrid’s Complutense University, from 1988 to 1991. María is an only child who was videotaped from ages 1;07 to 4;00, every two weeks in sessions of about 30 minutes in length. These recordings took place at home during bath, play, or feeding interactions with her parents, who belong to a middle-class, professional family. The CHAT version of the database was recoded by María Carrasco, at the Faculty of Psychology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

The ID field for file segments has three components: the first digits correspond to age in years and months, “z” stands for this participant, and the following three digits number the file in a chronological order. Example: the ID field 107z001.cha indicates the first segment of the file from age 1;07.

The symbol [= text] stands for the adult version of María’s sentence. The symbol [= ? text] stands for unknown adult version.
The symbol [=% text] stands for the sentence context.
The symbol ( ) indicates an ambiguous phoneme.

The transcription was made maintaining the orthographic rules of standard Spanish, but an apostrophe (’) marks the emission of an amalgam, where the child fuses two or more different adult words with no underlying grammatical analysis. For example, “s’a” means the child has fused the clitic “se” with the verb “ha”.


Mary MacWhinney reformatted this corpus into accord with current versions of CHAT.