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Sotaro Kita Department of Psychology University of Warwick s.kita@warwick.ac.uk website |
Participants: | 240 |
Type of Study: | task |
Location: | United States; Turkey; Japan |
Media type: | video |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T56K7F |
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.
This folder contains files for the MPI/NSF crosslinguistic developmental gesture project. This study investigated how Manner and Path of motion events are expressed in speech and gesture. The participants were native speakers of English, Japanese, and Turkish. There were four age groups in each language: 3, 5, and 9 year olds, and adults. The participants were shown animated cartoons, and retold the story to an native speaker listener. There are 10 different animated cartoons. The narration for each cartoon was captured as a separate file. There are 10 files from each participant, and there are twenty participants in each of the 12 language-age groups for a total of 2400 small files. The first letter of the file name indicates the language. Next the number indicates the age group. Then comes the participant ID, followed by NR (for narrative) and then four letters for each of the ten cartoons.
CRTD "rotate down"
CRTU "rotate up"
CSPD "spin down"
CSPU "spin up"
CTMD "tumble down"
EJPA "jump around"
EJPD "jump down"
EJPU "jump up"
ERLD "roll down"
ERLU "roll up"
Some files have metacomments at the beginning. In these, MET indicates the elicitation of the Manner expression when the participant did not spontaneously produce one. AO is the acting out of the stimulus event with a clay model. Within each file, speech is coded as *SPE and gesture is coded at *GES. Within the SPE line there are these dependent tiers:
1. %xSC: The way Manner and Path expressions in are syntactically linked.
2. %xSM: The type of syntax used to express Manner.
3. %xSP: The type of syntax used to express Path.
4. %xSG: The type of gestural expressions of Manner and Path concurrent with the SpU.
5. %xSX: The nature of elicitation of the speech.
6. %com: commentary on the speech.
Within the GES line there are these dependent tiers:
1. %com: a general comment about the gesture.
2. %xGD: Whether the direction of the gestures was the same as in the stimulus event.
3. %xGC: The way Manner and Path are expressed in gesture.
4. %xcom: a comment about the xGC